Makaton SA

Makaton Courses

MakatonSA currently offers six different types of courses, ranging from introductory ‘tasters’ to intensive tutor training. Please feel free to make use of our contact form on the bottom of this page if you are interested in any of these courses.

Level Workshops

The 4-Level Workshops (Levels 1, 2 3 & 4) cover the Core Vocabulary of Makaton SA, and are usually presented in two 3-hour sessions on one day.

  • The Level Workshops offer four levels of training which are usually presented two modules at a time in two 3-hour sessions on one day.
  • The Level Workshops provide a detailed introduction to Makaton.
  • They combine a practical approach with theory and technical information.
  • Lectures cover the basic principles of Makaton, how it is used, who can benefit from it, and ideas for its application.
  • The signs and symbols for Stages 1-8 and the 1st and 2nd Additional Vocabulary of the Makaton Core Vocabulary are taught, two modules per training day, in fun, functional activities.
  • The Level Workshops are suitable for professionals (teachers, therapists etc), and parents, family members and caregivers, or any other interested people.
  • Participants receive a training manual with line drawings, symbols and text descriptions of all the signs learned at each Workshop.
  • Participants are exposed to a number of resources which can be ordered.
  • Participants also receive a certificate confirming attendance, with CPD accreditation for HPCSA members available (6 CPD points).
  • All four Level Workshops throughout the country are the same, given by registered Makaton Tutors of Makaton SA.
  • Online training is also available, but are usually offered as 2x 3-hour sessions over two days of training. Currently only Level 1 and Level 2 are available online.
  • The four Level Workshops can be done at your own pace.

Makaton Tasters

Makaton Taster Courses are customised, usually 90 mins, teaching sessions for people with an interest in finding out about Makaton.


Makaton Tasters are customised, usually 90 mins, teaching sessions designed for people with an interest in finding out about Makaton and deciding whether or not to attend Makaton training.

It provides a general introduction into what Makaton is and who uses it and the opportunity to learn 20 carefully chosen signs and symbols.

In addition, participants can choose to learn an additional 10 specific concepts appropriate to their environment or needs.

Makaton for Babies

The Makaton for Babies program aims to give both neurotypical babies and at-risk babies an early start in developing a communication system.


The Makaton for Babies program aims to give both neurotypical babies or at-risk babies an early start in developing a communication system.

As tutors we are constantly surprised at how easily babies pick up the signs and use them spontaneously at a very early age.

Long before babies start to speak, they begin to use gestures, such as pointing, facial expressions and body language to express themselves. Using signs helps to develop their early communication.

Using Makaton with babies takes away that frustration and enables individuals to connect with other people and the world around them.

Resource Workshops

The Resource Vocabulary Workshops (currently Colour, Our Country SA & Animals) are variable length courses on specific topics.


The Resource Workshops are Workshops on specific Level or Theme vocabulary themes.

Currently, the Resource Workshops that are available are

  1. Colour Workshop
  2. Our Country South Africa Workshop
  3. Animal Workshop

These Workshops provide participants with a bank of vocabulary on a specific theme, together with some ready-made resources.

Participants can receive a certificate confirming attendance, with CPD accreditation for HPCSA members available:

  1. Colour Workshop (2 CPD)
  2. Our Country South Africa Workshop (3 CPD)
  3. Animal Workshop (accreditation pending)

All Resource Workshops throughout the country are the same, given by registered Makaton Tutors of Makaton SA.

Refresher Workshops

The Refresher Workshops are 2-hour revision sessions covering the Makaton Core Vocabulary, either by Levels 1-4.


There are 4 different Refresher Workshops 

  1. Level 1 Revision
  2. Level 2 Revision
  3. Level 3 Revision
  4. Level 4 Revision

The Refresher Workshops revise all the vocabulary for that section, both signs and symbols.

The vocabulary is then practiced in sentences, activities and games.

CPD accreditation not yet secured.

Parents & Carers

The Parents and Carers Workshop is offered as a beginner course for Parents, Family members, Caregivers, Teaching Assistants etc.


The Parents and Carers Workshop is offered as a beginner course for Parents, Family members, Caregivers, Teaching Assistants etc. It is a 4-hour course.


The sign vocabulary taught is focused on highly functional words used in the home and when taking care of Makaton users. 


This workshop concentrates on the practical component of learning Makaton. The theoretical content discussing the principles of Makaton is mimimised. 


How to apply Makaton in daily use is taught through practising sentences and singing songs.


CPD points can not be earned by attending this workshop.


Attendees at this workshop can not progress to the higher level Makaton courses. If they would like to pursue Makaton training, they will need to begin at Level 1 and follow the typical Level training program.

Regional Tutor Training

Regional Tutor Training is an in-depth course to prepare for becoming a Makaton Tutor. It comprises a full week on-site training and a practical assessment.


What is a Makaton Regional Tutor?

A Makaton Regional Tutor is usually someone with considerable experience of using Makaton with people of different ages and abilities. They can deliver all of the standardised Makaton Workshops. They are also expected to provide support to others around them and liaise regularly with MakatonSA.

How do I become a Makaton Regional Tutor?

In order to become a Regional Tutor, you must attend Makaton Regional Tutor Training. This training covers, in depth, the design of the Makaton Language Programme and its implementation over an extensive range of difficulties. You will develop your knowledge and skills, learn about techniques to advance signing and symbol use and learn about delivering Makaton Workshops.

The learning outcomes of Regional Tutor Training are:

  • To expand knowledge of the Makaton Language Program.
  • To become familiar with Tutor Guidelines.
  • To make the transition from a Makaton user to a tutor who can train others.
  • Understand the content of the Level 1 Workshop and prepare yourself to train the entire Workshop prior to your assessment.
  • To understand procedures of workshops and courses.
  • To standardise signing skills.
  • To understand sign and symbol use.
  • To understand the work of Makaton South Africa

In order to qualify as a Makaton Regional Tutor you must achieve the standard set for Part 1 and Part 2 of the training.

As a Regional Tutor, MakatonSA will expect you to reflect its policy, standards and procedures. These are set out in the Tutor/Trainer Handbook which will be issued with your licence application.

Entry Criteria for Regional Tutor training

Before applying to become a Makaton Regional Tutor you must have completed Level 4 training (or, by the old course structure, the Foundation Workshops and the Enhancement Workshops). You should also show evidence of your own Makaton skills,  a passion for the use and growth of Makaton, and the ability to present information to others.

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